Making a realistic Goal

  • The first step of repairing for IELTS is making a realistic goal.
  • First step of making a realistic goal is to determine the followings.
  •    • Decide the band score you need.
  •    • Check your level of English.
  •    • Understand what you need to improve. If you need to improve English knowledge or IELTS skills or both.
  •    • Agree on a time frame for the preparation.

How to achieve your desired band score

  • Once you decide on the above and make the goal, you can prepare for your desired band score by adhering to following steps.
  •    • Learn about question types. Different type of question checks a different skill level.
  •    • Learn tips and techniques for each type of question so that you will be able to handle them effectively.
  •    • Learn common topics and related vocabulary that you required to use
  •    • Develop your ideas and topics from variety of sources such as
  •       > Documentaries
  •       > BBC
  •       > New Scientist
  •       > Radio programs
  •       > Listen to Australian / New Zealand / American & Canadian Radio too

  • Do practice test to assess your Listening & Reading.

  • Get your Speaking & Writing assessed by an experienced teacher.

  • Develop and Practice: Each time you do a practice test make sure to identify at least one object that you need to improve. By doing this, if you complete 10 practice tests, you will identify and improve 10 opportunities and get closer to your band score.

  • Build “Speed” & “Time Management” skills for reading & writing. These two factors play a very important role in both Reading and Writing components.

  • At least do a full practice test under examination conditions.

  • Do your IELTS when your English and IELTS skills at their strongest.