IELTS Speaking section is same for both Academic and General Training module.
The structure of the Speaking test is:
• Part I – Introduction and interview (4-5 minutes): This part help the candidate to
relax and be comfortable. Initially the examiner check that you are the right
person in front of him by confirming your name, origin and passport.
Then the examiner asks you about the familiar topics such as self, family,
hometown, hobbies etc. etc.
• Part II – This is called the individual long turn. During this session you will be
given a cue card which consist of a topic and guiding questions. These questions
are short and structure is simple.
The candidate will be given an optional one minute to prepare and two minutes to
The candidate is expected to demonstrate an ability to a long sample of English
and the examiner will assesses the candidate on:
• Candidates fluency
• Coherence
• Range of structure
• Pronunciation
• Vocabulary
• Part III – This is the most complex part of the speaking test. The examiner will
lead the candidate to a series of questions on the topic spoken in part II. You
may have to discuss education in your country. These questions will be more
demanding and will require critical analysis on the part of the candidate
The examiner is still in control but will allow the candidate to discuss long
answers or discuss the questions.
The candidate will be scored on how effectively you can develop the abstract
ideas on the IELTS test
• Part I of the speaking test questions cannot be changed or re-worded.
• In Part III there is more flexibility, and if you don’t understand the question you
can ask for repetition or clarification.
The Speaking Test will be evaluated and marked according to the following marking
• Fluency and Coherence – (25%)
• Lexical Resource – (25%)
• Grammatical Range and accuracy – (25%)
• Pronunciation – (25%).
The Speaking test is always a face to face assessment either you do the paper based
exam or computer based exam.
The test will be recorded and if you requested for a re-mark in case if you are not
satisfied with your results, this recording will be used for a re-assessment.
The examiner controls the time and the length of your answers.
If you give examples during your part III discussion, it will help you to get a higher band
You cannot ask the examiner to change the topic of your speech. You have speak about
the given topic.
This is an informal speaking session, hence try to be friendly and be free to speak.